21 August 2007

Love borders on the absurd...or maybe it even lives there, camps out like the Russian refugee we met in a state park in the mountains of California.

Driven by curiosity, fear-tinged idealism, and the knowledge that God's plan is for a kingdom of shalom, some follow the compulsion: to see what's behind door number two.

Cheers: to you who make decisions that leave you shaking in your boots (or chacos), and then come face to face with a God whose glory causes you to bow down and whisper: Holy, holy, holy.

“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.” - Psalm 42:8


Blogger steph said...

i love you ange! we must talk soon. my fault.

shaking in my boots, steph

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. i'll let you know when we're coming through st. louis. we'd love to see you and share about what we'll be doing...

9:14 AM  

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