21 March 2009

lighten up.

waking up, the world is waking up.
already, and not yet.
spring: break out of the darkness into the longer days; i think we are ready for your surprises.

day of lions. nice.
going to see these guys tonight. thinking about riding my bike. thinking about how sometimes we lose our voices to our thoughts...clearing my throat and warming up to start to sing a new song with all of those birds out there.

enjoying not wearing heavy. winter. coats.

and swaying along to andrew bird...why?

and wanting to see this: weathered.

bradford pear buds from flickr.


Blogger Elle said...

Yes I am welcoming Spring with you.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Linz said...

Aw... you "lightened" yer blog up! Yay.

Good talking to you last night. You are beautiful, still, deep waters. Thanks for being my friend.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Courtney Patch said...

oooh, i love it.

8:27 PM  

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